
For Marina Dovrou
Ioannis Mpourodimos
Mayor of  Messapion – Dirfion

The intellectual section of this area , the production and diffusion of knowledge, the culture and civilization consist the main choices of the developmental policy of our municipality. Thus, with great joy I refer to Ms Marina  Dovrou’s art exhibition which is called “The Colors of Love”.
This exhibition is a noticeable activity of civilization which enriches the cultural development of our area and features its human potential, who show great love for arts and creativity.
Marina Dovrou is a exceptional and active member of the artists of our region. She is an artist who knows really well and honors one of the most beautiful and expressive arts, painting, and makes us participants of her inspired creations which reflect the meaning of love.
I hope  her contribution in painting will always be as vital as it is today and I hope she will always have the inspiration and desire to offer us the works of her creation.
Bearing these thoughts in mind I welcome   Ms Marina Dovrou’s exhibition and wish her every success in her work.
Kyriaki Nikolaia Glantzi
Historian of Art – Curator of exhibitions

Painting , beyond any other means of creation , remains a way of human  expression  Ms Marina Dovrou’s works are such a way of expression.
It is acceptable that when art repeats itself it dies; yet, in the case of this particular painter’s works , such a thing is out of the question. The creator is in a constant quest. She is methodically  searching for new things showing her visual development and her internal dialogue with painting.
Her works are not part of a particular artistic style. Through her art we can see her many-sided sensitivity and discern an obvious intention of moving from the surface of things to a metaphysical dimension , which attracts us and transfers us to a dreamy world where emotions and love prevail.
Her imagination acts deeply with the ambition to create an environment so as to reach the primeval emotion of human beings, love. In some works of art the warm bright colors are more dominant conveying the beautiful and tender side of love, while in others through a combination of cold shades the other side of love is revealed, the one that many times hurts and stigmatizes.
The non naturalistic attribution gives its place to a dreamy vision which captures the eye with its quality and transforms the daily routine into something transcendental, which is the aim of every genuine artist.
The creator projected on her canvas her personal style , the width of her sensitivity and artistic ability, elements which are diffused in the exhibition, causing an  aesthetic delight both to the eyes and the viewer’s mentality.